While our garden is a little behind, except the peas which have been going strong for a couple months, my in-laws' garden across the street is producing lots of goodies.
We've had a few tomatoes and peppers, a load of purple beans and a nice big zucchini. We've eaten some of the beans and I need to get some frozen. I have plans for the zucchini that include possibly baking muffins in the chiminea.
Our tomatoes are still all green, but so far, look healthy. We had one broccoli plant start to make broccoli. Then we went away for the weekend and it bolted. The others haven't even started making florets yet. I have picked and dried some herbs including rosemary, basil and oregano. I also picked lots of black raspberries - enough for one pie and some to freeze for wintertime. I've only gotten a handful of blackberries so far, but they should be ready pretty soon.
This weekend we're actually going to be home, and I'm going to try to get caught up everything garden.
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